4 Things You Need to Check on Your Website

Maybe you have a website already in place. That’s great - a website can be your best salesperson (especially if you’re like me and hate sales!). Do you know if you have everything you need on that website to make sure it’s doing its job? 

Recently, I was looking up a few potential clients to learn more about them on their websites. Kid you not, they looked like something out of the early 2000s. What’s worse, their about pages were almost identical and really said nothing ABOUT them. 

If it’s been more than 3 months since you last looked at your website, I highly suggest checking these 4 areas on all your pages. 

Working Links

If you have links to other pages, make sure the flow from one page to the next still makes sense. More importantly, make sure it still works! 

If you have links to other websites (especially in a blog [guilty]), check to make sure they still work and are what you intended to redirect customers to. You never know when another website will change or disappear altogether! No one wants to see a 404 Error page. 

Updated Photos & Copy

If you don’t have photos on your website, it’s a good time to add a few. People like visuals, especially a friendly face. 

If you already have photos, make sure they’re not out-of-date or don’t represent you well anymore. The same goes for employees and your own photo! As much as you love that photo from 10 years ago someone took of you, it’s time to update it (If you’re in Des Moines, I highly recommend Julia Mae Photography).

The same goes for the wording (or copy) on your pages. Does it still say what you intended? Is it on point with your brand? Did you add a service or product that needs a spotlight? Make sure to note any figures from dates to dollars, too. If you’ve changed your prices, make sure your website reflects that. Otherwise, it’s like having a great salesperson walking around with an old pricing sheet - useless. 

Answer Any “So What/Why Should I Care?” Questions

You’ve talked your services up, maybe even given the history behind the company. While that’s great, ask yourself this - if a customer would have heard you then asked “so what?” or “why should I care?” then you’re missing a great opportunity to gain them as a customer. You want to tell them how you fit into their life, no matter the service or product you offer. 

Talking WITH Them, Not AT Them (We vs You)

One of the most important areas when it comes to your wording is to swap out any “I” or “we” with “you”. It helps make it conversational and relatable (just don’t forget to change the verb, too!). Think about it - which do you like more:

I provide copy for service businesses in email campaigns and websites. 


I’ll help add value to your business by taking your customers from happy with you to RAVING about you with custom email campaigns and website content. 

These are a simple overview of what you should be checking on your website on a regular basis. Curious if your website is up to par? Grab a FREE website checklist - sign up for my bi-weekly email and get marketing tips and advice right in your inbox - simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page.


Kristi Kenyon

Copywriter, Relationship Marketer, Mom, Wife, Christian, and Coffee Lover


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